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Code of Conduct

HomeComing Together For ActionCode of Conduct

The Global Alliance is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all participants. We expect everyone associated with our symposium, including attendees, to act responsibly, behave courteously, and respect the rights and dignity of others at all times while in attendance. 

The following actions are prohibited at CT4A:

  • Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, or body language
  • Physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive, or threatening way
  • Verbally abusive behavior, including angry or vulgar language, swearing, name-calling, or shouting
  • Sexually explicit conversation or behavior

The Global Alliance reserves the right to remove or refuse service to anyone who is in violation of this Code of Conduct.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When is the deadline for Early Bird Registration?

Early Bird Registration will end on October 16, 2022. After this time, you will be able to register for the conference up until October 27 with regular registration rates.  

Is there a pre-conference? What is the Policy Institute?

Yes, we will be holding a one day, pre-symposium activity on October 27, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm EST called the Policy Institute. The Policy Institute is an opportunity to gather with policy experts, to learn from each other, and to apply your skills in developing policy products related to behavioral health using a social justice and human rights frame. Registration for the Policy Institute is separate from conference registration. Don’t miss out and register today — space is limited!

When should I arrive to Coming Together for Action 2024?

Our opening celebrations begin on Thursday evening, October 27, so please plan your travel accordingly!

Are there any continuing education opportunities available at Coming Together for Action 2024?

We will have continuing education opportunities for Nursing. Attendees may claim up to 8 hours of Nursing CE after completing an online evaluation. Certificate of completion awarded upon completion of evaluation survey. The survey link will be available on the Whova app, and will be open for 30 days. 

How do I get to the conference?

Coming Together for Action will be held at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel. The address is 202 East Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD, 21202. Learn more about the location and directions.

Where should I stay?

We recommend staying at the Renaissance Baltimore Harborplace Hotel. For a limited time, conference attendees are eligible for a special rate of $175.00 per night + applicable state and local taxes. Be sure to book your room by September 29, 2022 to save! 

What is the dress code for Coming Together for Action 2024?

Our dress code will be business casual.

What is Whova?

Whova is an app and website that we will be using to help facilitate Coming Together for Action 2024. After you register, download the app here. Learn about how you can use the app to make the most of your attendance in this guide and tutorial video.

I don’t want my contact information to be shared, is there anything that I need to do?

Your speaker profile will show your name and affiliation, but will not show any of your contact information. Your contact information will not be automatically shared with anyone.

I want to share my contact information. How can i do this?

You can easily share your contact info with other attendees using the Whova app. To request another attendee’s contact info, locate their professional profile by searching their name in the Whova app’s search bar. Once you have opened their profile, scroll down to the “Contact Information” area and click the blue button titled “Exchange Contact Info.” This will submit a request to the attendee to share their information with you, which will be shown in the app once they approve your request. Learn more here

How do I access the symposium schedule?

The full schedule will be released in early October. You will also have access to the conference agenda within the Whova Event app (download here), learn more about speakers, sessions and more.  You can also  build your own schedule using the “Agenda” feature. Learn how to build and save your personalized schedule here.

Does Coming Together for Action have any branded slides for presenters?

Yes. You can download them here.

Is there a printed program?

No, you will be able to see the full program through the Whova Event app. There will also be an online copy of all programming uploaded to our website in October.

What social opportunities are available at Coming Together 4 Action 2022?

We will be hosting two evening events on Thursday and Friday evenings, as well as many other opportunities through our Wellness Hub.  You can also use the “Community Board” feature of the Whova Event app to plan to meet up with other attendees! Learn more about how you can make the most of the conference using the Whova app here.

Will meals be included?

Several meals will be provided to attendees during Coming Together for Action 2022, including breakfast and lunch on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and hors d’oeuvres during our early evening events. See the block schedule for details on included meals. 

What mentoring opportunities are available at Coming Together for Action 2022?

When registering, you will be asked if you would like to be considered as a mentor or mentee.  This is not required but an option for all attendees! The conference organizers are putting together a mentoring event and you will be notified with more details prior to the conference.

Are there any fun activities planned during the conference?

Yes! Our Wellness Hub will have several recreational activities planned for attendees, including virtual (always available) and scheduled in-person opportunities. Examples of events include yoga in the park, and a sunset jog.. There will also be an interactive Book Fair.

Will the Global Alliance require that attendees be vaccinated against COVID-19?

Yes. Our COVID-19 Protocols are as follows:

COVID Protocols: Everyone’s safety and well-being is our priority. Attendance will be limited to provide attendees with a safe and stimulating experience. Individuals must be:

  • Fully vaccinated, including boosters available, to attend the meeting
  • Masks are strongly recommended and will be available for attendees
  • Willing to adhere to local mask mandates in effect at the time of the meeting
  • Respect others’ space and decisions for masking that exceed the minimal requirements

The Global Alliance reserves the right to amend COVID protocols should conditions at the time of Coming Together for Action warrant it.

Will Coming Together for Action 2022 attendees need to wear facemasks?

Yes, we strongly recommend that all attendees wear facemasks while indoors at the meeting.

Will the conference practice social distancing?

We recommend practicing social distancing whenever possible.

Is there a virtual or hybrid option for Coming Together for Action 2022?

No, this is a fully in-person conference. Attendees will be alerted if there are any changes to this format.

I’m presenting a poster. What are the poster presentation guidelines for Coming Together for Action 2022?

Your poster is part of an evening session with all conference posters presenting during the same event.

  • Posters may be set up 30 minutes before the start of the session.
  • Presentations should be taken down within 30 minutes after the session ends. Display materials not removed following the conclusion of the session will be discarded.
  • No audiovisual equipment is permitted for poster presentations.
  • Supplies will be available on-site for mounting the displays. 

We have several formatting guidelines for creating accessible posters:

  • Posters should be 48 inches x 60 inches in size
  • Main findings should be between 72- and 150-point font
  • All other text should be at least 36-point font.
  • The poster should be legible from a distance.
  • Use a large sans serif font such as Arial
  • Make sure font colors contrast with the background, such as black text on a white background or white text on a dark background.
  • Use between 1.2 and 2.0 line spacing.
  • Have your research and graphs available in a QR code for attendees to view later. QR code should be at least 5″x5″. 
  • Do not place text over images.
  • Use 300 dots per inch, or dpi, when saving images. Avoid copying and pasting images from the web that are below 250Kb.

Learn how to create your presenter profile in Whova here.

I’m presenting an individual paper. What do I need to know?

Paper presentations will be organized based on theme, into groups of 3 or 4, with a moderator to lead the discussion. Presenters can expect to have 10-15 minutes to speak about their paper, and moderated questions will be at the end. Learn how to create your presenter profile in Whova here.

I’m part of a panel, roundtable or workshop. What do I need to know?

Submissions accepted as panels, roundtables, and workshops will be fully organized by the submitters. Learn how to create your presenter profile in Whova here.

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