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We collaborate with a variety of external organizations and coalitions who share our interest in strengthening mental health research, policy and practice. Our partnerships extend our effectiveness on a range of behavioral health issues. Our partners represent a wide range of viewpoints and perspectives that transcend any single discipline.  

AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition

The mission of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is to “advance science, engineering, and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people.” The AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition is a network of scientific and engineering membership organizations that recognize a role for scientists and engineers in human rights. The Global Alliance is one of 24 member organizations of the Coalition.

Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UNC2030 (CSEM)

The CSEM is a global civil society movement with approximately 500 member organizations in more than 75 countries. CSEM is the civil society constituent of the International Health Partnership for UHC2030, which is a global movement to strengthen health systems for University Health Coverage as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. The goal of CSEM is to ensure that Universal Health Coverage policies are inclusive and equitable, and that systematic attention is given to the most marginalized and vulnerable populations so that no one is left behind.

Forum for Children’s Well-Being

The Global Alliance is a sponsor of the Forum for Children’s Well-Being, previously called the Forum on Promoting Children’s Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health (C-CAB). The Forum is working to build a stronger research and practice based around the development and implementation of programs, practices, and policies promoting children’s cognitive, affective, and behavioral (CAB) health. Their work includes a focus on children with disabilities.

The Forum was established in 2013 in response to recommendations from the 2009 National Research Council/Institute of Medicine report Preventing Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People: Progress and PossibilitiesThis report called on the nation to make the prevention of such disorders and the promotion of mental health of young people a high priority. The Forum engages in dialogue and discussion to connect the prevention, treatment, and implementation sciences with settings where children are seen and cared for, including health care settings, schools, social service and child welfare agencies, and the juvenile justice system, and to create systems that are effective and affordable in addressing children’s needs.Past president, Debbie Klein-Walker, and board treasurer, Bill Beardslee, represent the Global Alliance on the Forum.

A two-day workshop in September 2020, Re-imagining a System of Care to Promote the Well-Being of Children and Families, focused on rebuilding systems to support children and families in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Mental Health Liaison Group (MHLG)

Based in Washington, DC, MHLG is a coalition of national organizations representing consumers, family members, advocates, professionals, and providers on mental health issues.  MHLG provides its members with an opportunity to exchange information, cooperate in advocacy efforts, coordinate strategies, and discuss public policy issues related to mental health. As an active member of the Health Policy Committee, we work with the Committee to develop positions on such issues as health care reform, Medicare, Medicaid, parity, managed care, and Medical Records privacy. We have cosigned letters on topics ranging from equity in Medicare to mental health in schools and mental health reform.

NGO Major Group

The NGO Major Group is tasked with facilitating the participation and enhancing the engagement of non-governmental organizations in the processes directly and indirectly related to the High Level Political Forum (HLPF). When possible, they work to organize positions on behalf of the members to be delivered in various United Nations spaces. Because of the diversity of voices and perspectives within this group, they are organized around thematic clusters which act as hubs of expertise on numerous issues and/or Sustainable Development Goals.

In collaboration with the NGO Major Group, the Global Alliance is focused on advocating for Sustainable Development Goal 3: “To ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.”

National Prevention Science Coalition for Improving Lives (NPSC)

In 2013, we joined the Prevention Coalition, which subsequently became the National Prevention Science Coalition for Improving Lives (NPSC). The coalition seeks to apply scientific findings toward the wide-scale implementation of effective prevention practices and policies.  In doing so, NPSC addresses several areas of concern, such as mental and behavioral health, education, juvenile and criminal justice, environmental influences, and physical health.  Our work with NPSC has included participating in Congressional Briefings, providing prevention research on a variety of topics to congressional offices, and collaborating with other researchers and practitioners to increase knowledge about topics such as human trafficking, child welfare, and juvenile justice. Learn more about our partnership with NPSC

Global Alliance endorsed NPSC’s statement on prevention science, published in April 2019.

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