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HomeComing Together For ActionPast ConferencesComing Together For Action 2020

Coming Together For Action 2020

Coming Together For Action is an interdisciplinary conference on behavioral health, social justice, & healthier communities.

The 2020 Virtual Format

Our virtual format offered innovative sessions led by interdisciplinary experts and impactful networking with like-minded peers passionate about behavioral health and social justice.

  • 6 interdisciplinary tracks
  • 40+ hours of innovative on-demand content (available for 3 months via our web app and mobile app)
  • Up to 8 CNE credits
  • 19 engaging live & networking events


View the full schedule for the 2020 conference sessions and access on-demand content.

For Conference Registrants & Speakers

We used the Whova platform to host our 2020 virtual conference. Through the browser-based web app and the mobile app, conference attendees were able to:

  • Access thought-provoking, action-oriented live sessions
  • Browse valuable on-demand content
  • Participate in our Wellness Hub and live networking opportunities with like-minded professionals
  • Actively engage in our “Community” discussion boards

With our conference mobile app you could:

  • Add sessions to your own agenda
  • Browse the attendee directory and send direct messages
  • Participate in event activities through session likes, comments, ratings, live polling, tweeting, and more
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