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The Global Alliance on the International Stage

December 12, 2021

So what is the Global Alliance doing on the international stage?

The Global Alliance’s unique action-oriented focus at the intersection of behavioral health, social justice, and human rights is critical to our ongoing work championing mental health and well-being. But how does that play out on the international stage? As the world recognizes Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day, a day that mobilizes stakeholders to call for strong, equitable health systems that leave no one behind, we wanted to share what we have been working on in 2021.

The Global Alliances’ participation in major meetings throughout 2021 included:

As we reflect on our efforts this past year, we recognize that there is so much work to be done in advancing behavioral health, social justice, and human rights. Get in touchget involved, and stay tuned to learn more about our upcoming program of work, leading us to our 100th year of action!

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